Sun 05 Jan
FRI SPECIAL 100/150 GROUNDS two girls 300 grounds in call near airport..private home 920 645 9161 - 35
(Milwaukee, milw/waukesha/racine)
★*° GeT iT uP*° ☆'PRFCT PL@¥M@T` ° ★' ((ULTiMÅT iNDULGNC)) DIVE IN - 24
(Milwaukee, ★°*★CANT SLEEP? IM UP LATE)
exotic Cuban$$$ 60 special today so come and get it incall - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and all surrounding areas)
••• Exotic Two Girl Show ••• You Dont Wanna Miss This!!!! $100 special - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Wi / Bayshore Area)
1OO%Rεaℓ PiCs *•° $Late Night Specials$ *•° ρυRε SoUtHeRn ρℓ℮αδυRε♚AvAiLaBLE Now ♚ 414-368-7745 - 31
(Milwaukee, Milwakee-North Side - Appleton ave.)
100% Real. lets. play.. no. games. Satisfaction. Guaranteed
(Milwaukee, Downtown,Bayshore,Airport .incalls n out)
☆$65qv $100hh $150hr incal☆ ➓➓ ╚» bIG bOObs, bOOty ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E availabℓε ★100%★ - 21
(Milwaukee, Northside InCall)
📱$100 Special ★GoRGeOuS NaSt¥✔ ツ FreAK Ju¡c¥ BoOt¥ SmacK It All U WaNT⇦ ★K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee NorthSide)
100% Puerto Rican!!!! SwEAT AS HeAVeN NAugHtY AS HeLL...2 GiRL SPecIAL - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine,Kenosha,Burlington, etc)
{✰} *¨¨*-:¦:-* __ L __ o __ O __ K ______ °o° WeT_&&_ WiLD_bL {✰} NDe_ °o ♥ - 23
(Milwaukee airport)
looking for some fun call now 100% real pics $$60 special just for today - 22
(Milwaukee, southside of Milwaukee)
Kinky Nasty wild Freaky lap dance... Skittles is all u need ;) - 24
(Milwaukee, outcall/ Travel/incalls)
INCalls/outcalls NEW #! !upscale reviewed playmate💎AVAILABLe NOW (847) 275-1002 💋🍒 - 24
(Milwaukee, Waukesha downtown oak creek lakegeneva)
Late nites/Early morning KINKY Thick Sexy Lap dance special. - 24
💸💎 100% independent New Number 4148034394 outcall /incalls🍒💙 - 25
(Downtown waukesha tosa lake geneva, Milwaukee)
Czech beauty♥100% Independent ♥Incalls only ♥Satisfaction Guaranteed! - 22
(Milwaukee, South side/airport)
COME get IT 50$ SPECIAL ~ SEXY thick WHITE girl ~ DONT miss MY 38ddds ~ 414- 378-0930 PICS ARE 100% real or FREE - 29
(Milwaukee, SOUTHSIDE OFF LAYTON incalls and out)
**cold weather got you down? Let me warm you up and turn your day around** - 27
(Milwaukee, airport)
☎♡♥☏ CALL ☎♡♥☏ ☎♡♥☏ NOW ☎♡♥☏- 100$ 40 mn spcl - 23
(Milwaukee, in/out capitol/aplton/silvr spng/ on u)
** BEAUTIFUL NICOLE!! $100 incall special** 414-241-2601** - 20
(Milwaukee, milwaukee/ surr. areas/hwy 100)
★ *** Are you ready *** CURVACEOUS BABE *** 100% Real Pics *** ★ - 25
*****Available All Night**** 24/7 Diamond Or China. Only In Town Shortly $50 SPECIAL - 21
AMAZING 100 SpecialS!!! LOOK ==? ((AVAiLABLE)) NOW ((ANYTiME)) - - 23
(Milwaukee, U Too Me/Me Too U Hwy_I41N)
bEAUTY ##### _____ #### ATTENTION ! ### specials ### _______ ### _ Gorgeous ! _ HoTTie * - 20
Available all Day and late tonight for your pleasure. In call, Outcall Specials=100 - 21
•••••• SOMETHING ••••• FINALLY ••••• PETITE ••••• PRETTY ••••• & ••••• SWEET •••••• - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & Surrounding Counties)
Soaked Hot And Bothered...Don't be afraid I'm just lonely!!!!! Baddest Vixen!! - 22
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Madison, Sheboygan)
❤Shower Bodyslide XTRAS NURU Adult Entertainment ♥❤❤❤♥ HOT 👪👪👪👪👪👪👪👪Lots of Fun ◆♥♚♥ - 28
**:-* :-$ * Sexy hot Bombshell .... 100%real:-$ :-* *:-* * 5star chick - 21
(Milwaukee, outcalls / in calls mayfair rd area)
Spankable BooTy SUBMISSIVE Unbelievable Skillz!! 100% me 262-672-3978 incalls only - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee,)
hot and sassy...QUICK VISIT 50SPCL. call me.*_body rubs too_* I am reasonable!!!!!!! hr special/100 - 27
(Milwaukee, by downtown)
Sat 04 Jan
⚠•°💋!!! ((CHOCOLATE FANTASY)) !!!°©⚠•° (( Caution)) °©⚠•° (( WkndGirl)) °©⚠💋•° (( CAUTION !)) - 25 - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee - North)
*-:¦:-* §w A§ HAvn * ★ * Bu NaUgHY A§ HLL *-:¦:- SPECIALS! SpEcIaLs! SPECIALS!! - 21
(Milwaukee Airport)
.█▓█▓ toe CURLING █▓ т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє █▓ ★ βαβγ ÐØℒℒ ★ █▓ INDEPENDENT FReaK - 25
(Milwaukee, southside north in/out)
ULTiMaTE BEST ♥LeT ME TaKe Ur ToP OFF ♥ OPeNMiNDed CoLLeGe Babe ♥ ReLaX UnwInD & FeeL At EaSe - 20 - 20
(Milwaukee, Outcall ♡In Your Comfort♥)
Ready & Willing *Weekend $50-$80 Incall Special* 100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near North west side/surrounding areas)
.. SeNsatiOnaL *PHi L iPPiNa* Dr E aM .. 120 IN SpEciALs! !! - 22
(Milwaukee, Miller Park IN 10a-7pm)
Sexy Ebony CANDY New To Town $70 INCALL Specials (515.419.0708) 100% SAFE - 18
(Milwaukee, Oak Creek. South Milwaukee. Near Airport)
❤❤SEDUCTIVE SUNDAY w/ Mz. Monae @ Yr Service ❤❤ Tall PuertoRican*Goddess ❤ *New* 100 Rose Special - 25
*¨¨*-:¦:- S P E C I A L *¨¨*-:¦:-*S P E C I A L *¨¨*-:¦:-*S P E C I A L*¨¨*-:¦:- - 21
(13th & College)
NEW IN TOWN😍💎💋 SEXY ITALIAN 💋💎 incalls available Classy & sassy🍑 Slim & curvy💞 Come now👅💦🍭 - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee airport)