Thu 02 Jan
👑MIA. Black Serbian Puerto Rican✈Milwaukee In calls near AIRPORT - 20
(Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE in calls near AIRPORT)
GM🌞 Seductress Goddess! OUT CALLS Long Tongue! 38DD Disease Free From ATL...specials😀 GFFriend - 21
(Milwaukee, milwaukee Brookfield airport)
~••~414334-6240 CoMe To La'La lAnd PlAyInG wITh mYSeLF on north side - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Wisconsin)
$80$Specials Naughty Natalie &vSlobs; INCalls Southside airportarea100% RealPictures - 22
(Milwaukee, MilwaukeeSouthside airportarea)
$40, $60 *** Satisfying Rainy Day Specials *** $40, $69 *** Limited Time Offer *** $40, $60 - 23
(Milwaukee, Safe Southside Incall Location)
¨`*~- LUSTY bOmBsHeLL ♥ SpAnK Me LiCkMe PuLL My HaIr °~° I LoVe iT!!! - 24
(*airport in or out all areas)
☆▓☆ Ch€rrY ★ Is h£r£ To ♥ ♡ PAMP€R Your ☆ Π€€dS ★ Amazing ☆ Skills★▓☆★Come Play - 20
(Milwaukee, In/out Southside Airport Area)
Call NOW FOR 🎄HOLIDAY SPECIALS🎁 ***Presents 🎀💅Best of All💋👑Exotic Princess🎬🛀 - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee airport In calls only)
$$$ ((()): Aubrey... Im BACK for a SHORT TIME.. DONT MISS ME $$!!!! $$ - 24
(Milwaukee, Surrounding Milwaukee)
♥~ XOXO ★ ~ EV£N!NG M€€T!NG W!TH Y♥U® #1 @ND ONL¥!¡ c[= ~ ★ XOXO ~♥ - 23
(Milwaukee, Airport ~ My Place Or Yours (In/Out))
Asia's unForgettaBle upscale sessions..$100 Royal wild TreatMent!! - 22
(Milwaukee, Avail*I94/43Dwntwn,Airport/ In/ouT)