Fri 10 Jan
♥ SeXy pLaYmAtE! ♥ LoWeSt RaTeS! ♥ UnBeAtAbLe SeRviCe! ♥ $75 - 21
(Milwaukee 13th & College Near Airport)
pretty & Petite ♥ExTremely ExotIc College Hottie ★A --->Husband best Kept Secret!** - 22
(Milwaukee, *My place or Yours *)
Petite BustY YouNG College Vixen Visiting love To »»Kiss And Cuddle BEST IS HERE-19 - 19
(/OuTcall In Your Comfort !! SPecials!!, Milwaukee)
Gorgeous SexXy CoLlEgE BEAUTY! America's NeXt TOP MoDeL!! Specials - 21 - 21
(Milwaukee~ My Place or Yours~)
Thu 09 Jan
°o° [[ D R i P P i N G ]°o° W T °o°[ S d U C T i V ]] °o° ! SxY C a L i f o R N i A bLoND.. - 24
(Discrete Airport Incall)
*:. ★* E X T R E M E L Y S K I L L E D *:. ★* *:. ★* $75 SPECIAL - 21
(Milwaukee Near 13th & College)
🌺🌟〓〓〓〓〓〓〓🌟 New Hot Girl 🌟〓〓〓〓〓 💟🌺💟〓〓〓〓〓🌟 KOREAN🌟〓〓〓〓〓〓〓🌟🌺🌟 〓〓〓〓〓🌟 INCALL 🌟〓〓〓〓〓🌺🌟🌺 - 22
(Milwaukee, WI)
_ღ_* -:¦:- NeW PiCs -:¦:- MaGiC LiPs -:¦:- VaLeNTiNes SpeCiALs! *_ღ_*&70 - 21
(Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
■□■▪■■■■■↑↑Petite Mixed♥☆★College♡Vixen Really Naughty》♥Let's Kiss♥ -22 - 22
(Milwaukee, ★Outcall ♡In Your Bed♥)
💋❤️🌹Maddie is here college student let's get together2138784006 🌹❤️💋 - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee lake Geneva Waukesha)
Wed 08 Jan
❤▐▐❤▐▐❤College Girl ❤ASIAN❤▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐▐SWEETY ▐▐▐ ❤HOT READY❤ ▐▐▐▃❤AVAILABLE❤▐▐❤▐▐❤ - 22
(53221 WI ▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐❤▐▐▐, Milwaukee)
$$$Young&&@ beautiful $up scale Russian$$ College student ## - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee And Surrounding Areas)
~ WELCOME tO My SuPeR SeXy WeTT PaRaDiSe... SaTiSFaCtIoN ALWAYS GuArAnTeEd!!! ~ - 19
♥→_→Pretty H0t Mixed' College Girl Intown♥ Your Best Kept Secret☆ I ♥Kissing Hump'Day Specials! - 20
(Milwaukee, ♥My place/yours♥)
💢PRoFeSSioNaL PR€TT¥ GODDESS💢。💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD。。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD💛 ♡ N O W ♡ 414-364-3700 - 26
♥♡ **NEW PICS--must see!** One of a kind BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL!! call now for specials!! 414-581-6549♡♥ - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, racine, and surrounding areas)
🍭 ❗❗❤ I'm ❤ Sweet ❤ Like ❤ Candy ◆♥ ♥◆ ♡♥StRwBerry ShORt Cake❶st • CHOICE... Specials Now $INCALL$ - 23
(Milwaukee, south college by the airport INCALL ONLY)
Exclusive Amazing Sessions: Sexy nd Ready$100 Serious callers Only - 22
(Milwaukee, Near 94/43 Downtown Airport Avail Now)
Devine that love to strip 4 u now !!!...Make fantasy come true!!! Call me 414-517-9568 - 22
___ ::::: ♛ :: ((( N=Å=U=G=H=T=¥ ))) :: 'N' :: ((( N=i=C=e ))) :: ♛ :::::: ___ - 23
(Milwaukee, 13 college)
LATiNA w/a CoKe BoTTLe SHAPe ➜ ★SuPeR EaRlY SPcLs ★ ೋ EXoTiC iNCaLL - 20
(Milwaukee, soUTh InCaLL {{{ {$100 }}} TiLL 3PM)
👑Come get tha ROYAL TREATMENT👑ItAliAn βeauty♛➋➍/➆ Ň€ŴŁ¥ Ř€VΞ€Ŵ€Đⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍒ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ☆)❥ 👑 - 31
(13 n college, Milwaukee)
🍭 ❗❗❤ I'm ❤ Sweet ❤ Like ❤ Candy ◆♥ ♥◆ ♡♥StRwBerry ShORt Cake❶st • CHOICE... Specials Now ¥€™IN & O - 23
(Milwaukee, south college by the airport in &out; cal)
Tue 07 Jan
☆ .•'´¯)NEw HoTT BloNde(¯`'•.☆ .•'´¯) ★★★★★ * ▶▶▶▶▶▶▶*•♛•*YỚU wIlL*•♛•**•♛•LoV€ *•♛•**•♛•*ℳy Ski! - 19
☆ .•'´¯)NEw HoTT BloNde(¯`'•.☆ .•'´¯) ★★★★★ * ▶▶▶▶▶▶▶*•♛•*YỚU wIlL*•♛•**•♛•LoV€ *•♛•**•♛•*ℳy Ski! - 19
💝petite College Vixen 💝 All Natural. 2000% REAL PICS. COME. MElT On Me ULtiMate Best 💕 💝-18 - 18
(Milwaukee, 💞Airport incall My Bed Yours 💕)
Petite, Hot and Tight Jennifer is spemding her last night in Milwaukee!!! - 32
(college ave incalloutcall, Milwaukee)
💝petite College Vixen 💝 All Natural. 2000% REAL PICS. COME. MElT On Me Im Back!💕 💝-18 - 18
(Milwaukee, Airport Incall/Out 💕)
°o ♥ o ((( ✰ VaLenTiNes SpEciALs ✰))) o ♥ o° - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
*-:¦:- ExOtiC BeAutY *-:¦:-* VaLenTiNes SpeCiALs *¨¨*-:¦: * - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
° °★° ° { EARLY BIRD } :* ☆ ¨*: { GETS } :*★¨*: { THE WORM }: *¨☆* - 19
(13th & College Near Airport)