Sat 04 Jan
Lunch time Specail sexy Busty & sweet as pie*Mia * 38D cuban/blk. Fetishes toys & much more $75 - 24
(Milwaukee, 76th Burleigh area or outcalls)
{LooK Who's Here} AVAIL NOW Belize Haley No Costly Traps. 414*712*5425 NoThIn FaKe « CUTIE» - 24
(Milwaukee, milwaukee, Racine Kenosha)
Classy Delight.....Rainy FANTASY (Incalls)Outcall - 24
(Milwaukee, AirPort OakCreek, S27th,Downtown)
Incalls & Outcalls👠💄Nasty & Classy (4145010797)😍 Great Quality❤Nicole - 22
((Milwaukee Millroad area), Milwaukee)
Fri 03 Jan
**Tight Squeeze ** Soft Skin ** Ready To Please**Blond cuttie *AMY* - 22
(all of Milwaukee 100 capitol or south)
ThE TyPe oF PlAyMaTe YoU HavE fUn WiTh ... hOt aNd rEaDy 'WeDnEsDaY oUtCaLlS 24/7... .... - 22
(Milwaukee, oUTCALLS ONLY)
💎🔥🍒 Im up call me now OUTcalls NEW #4142045856 SPECIALS limited time only🍒🔥💎 - 24
(Milwaukee, Waukesha, downtown ,airport ,lake geneva)
Hi It's ALex💋💋 NeW CLient SpeCials - 23
(Green Bay, IN/Outcalls Milwaukee area, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee)
Thu 02 Jan
A gOrGeOuS kArAt !!!! A eLeCtRiCfYiNg , ExOtIc PlAyMaTe AvAiLaBlE ..... - 20
(YoUr HoMe CaRe PrOvIdEr ..)
** Early bird specail " Mia sweet petite burnette & blonde hair Now excepting credit cards - 24
(Madison, westside Allen blvd nice)
Tasty treat ready to meet an party wit a freak like me - 21
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Appleton surrounding areas)