Thu 02 Jan
READY FOR ANYTHING NOW! Come see Milwaukee's finest ELITE companion! - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and Surrounding Areas)
💋FR€SH 💦 YöUñG 💎 P€RF€CT ⭐ VîX€N 😻 My Kîtty Wants To Play😻 - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee In/out Specials 💋💋)
100% Sw€€t & Pleasurable 🍦🍭 100% Fun 🍌💋 100% Satisfying Latina 💋 💗 Quieres cojer - 22
(In/out Specials 60 24/7, Milwaukee)
→→ 100% Real BiRacial BunnY ! ♥ i LovE KiSsIng ★★ReAlLy T |ght Be Aware I'm Naughty Shh!! - 18
(Milwaukee, My place♥ or Yours ★)
2sexy,petite treat$ !CHICAGO STALLIONS! were 21yrs 100$specials "letss" playyyyyyy!! - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee wi)
make your Sunday sensual with one of sexy chella`s spcials! *Super Sunday discounts* 414322-2673 - 22
(Southsideay view)
@@ LeT SpArKLe B Ur FiReWoRkS!! @ LoWeSt RaTeS In ToWn! BoOk NoW! - 19
(milwaukee, racine, kenosha area)
♥♥♥Come And Meet Your Destiny On Cloud 9♥♥♥ Yes You Lover Boy♥♥♥ - 23
(Milwaukee, milwaukee/surrounding areas)
~~Brave Seeker ~~ King Of All Kings, Come Enter" Michelle's Golden" Treasures~~
(~~West Milwaukee~~ Near Miller Park Area)