Thu 02 Jan
2provider special warm up with something HOT!!!.. 520-414-6661 - 35
(Milwaukee, south milw near airport private home)
5 star experience ready for u now. stop wasting your time with the fake pics and the bait and switch - 26
(Milwaukee, northwest side , Milwaukee)
Tight 👅👅WaRm💦 waterfall 💞PURE PLEASURE💞 No RulEs on ThiS BoDy Quality SerVice SpaNkiNg AdVised - 20
இڿڰۣTired of fake pics?? Discrete blonde playmate in Milwaukee - safe neighborhood ڿڰۣஇ - 37
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
இڿڰۣTired of fake pics? tall blonde NEW PICS- highest reviewed in Milwaukee - summer k ڰۣஇ - 37
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
Treat yourself this Christmas! DISCRETE companion - 37
(Milwaukee, private residence/suburbs of milw)
Tired of being ripped off?.•♥♥•.❤❦❤ ~SUMMER K~ Highest reviewed escort~ ❤❦❤.•♥♥•. - 34
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Suburbs)
The Best Ultimate Experience !!! Don't like 2 Rush !!!! $$80 Specials !!!! 414-531-1822 - 21
**Let me show you what the best feels like ** - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, city)
Let me make your life a little sweeter....oxox IN &OUTCALL; - 22
(Milwaukee, milw racine hartford ect!!!!!!!!!!!!)
l❤ ❤•• ❤ ▃ ▂❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ l❤ ❤•• ❤ - 23 - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee north)
*▓ ▒ *☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ♥ξ✖ΘΤϊ© βα®βϊξ♥★*‧‐ *▓ ▒ ✪ Hablo espanol ❤ ▒ ▓ * ☎§TRAWßⓔ®®¥ ßLOND£☎ - 21
(Milwaukee, ☞☞☞check out this ❦╠╣oTTiⓔ❦ In√Out)
Come Take The Best Ride Of Your Life..HH Special U Can't Refuse!! Incalls Only (414)435-4434 - 25
CLICK HERE %% Blonde of your Dreams!!! %$25 off Spls % -- My Arrival is this Sun 16th call me - 25
(Milwaukee North)
💓💋come check me out new to this post 👌👌limted time so hurry must call for details - 46
(Milwaukee, West allis)
BRAND NEW NeVeR BeFoRE SeEn 🔥 🔥 YoUR 💄fAVorITe 💄NeW 💄AdDicTiON 💄💋LeT 👠mE 👠ShOW YoU 👠 - 22
(Milwaukee, West Allis, South Milwaukee)
🚨 caution sexiness 🚨 no longer in wasua - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, South side Milwaukee, Wausau)
🏮🏮🏮🏮🚩🌀🌜Come & Enjoy Blu🌀 Dream😴 Red Light🚦 🏮🏮50💸Special 🌃🌌 414-759-2526🌀😘🚩🏮🏮🏮🏮 - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee.... Incalls Only)
( CLICK_HERE )*♥ *♥ Want the best? Simple... CALL ME *♥ *♥ - 23
(414 seven 9 five 3 four 8 seven ** ANA**)
##### BEAUTIFUL RUSSIAN PRINCESS ### arriving 2/15- 2/19 ### pre-booking ## reviewed ### - 21
(My place or yours sweetie)
Boys* ~*~ PlaY ~*~ WiTh ~*~ ToYs ~*~ MeN ~*~ PlaY ~*~ WiTh ~*~ Me! Paradise MW - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & Surrounding Areas)
Attention Attention read all about it (414)3945882 come1 come all - 23
(Milwaukee, northwest and surrounding areas)
🐰🐰Baby Bunny! Everybody's Favorite Italian In Town Now! - 20
(Kenosha / Racine, Kenosha, Racine, Exit 344)