Sat 04 Jan
Hi guys I have all the right moves to put you mood! so please lay back in let me have my way! I hav - 23
(Milwaukee, 76 silver spring)
ღ ✔ SOFT SEXY ~LATIN~ Vixen ✔ ღ Reviewed ID: 212601 - 27
(Milwaukee, Northside Milwaukee area IN/OUT)
Incalls & Outcalls👠💄Nasty & Classy (4145010797)😍 Great Quality❤Nicole - 22
((Milwaukee Millroad area), Milwaukee)
Fri 03 Jan
*** Thick Chocolate Beauty *** Only $60 to Play... { Mss, C H I N A } Come and get it! - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI)
LOOK NOW► {NÅUGHT¥ 'n' NiC} *OPN-MíNDD* FUN-Ebony B@rbi * - 23
(Milwaukee, Surrounding Areas In/Out bluemound area)
BeautifuL COKE BOTTLE Ashley Honestly Look No Further Call Now!!! SPEACIAL NEW PICS - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Wisconsin/ CAPITOL AREA/In-Out)
Big Booty Stackz 😍😛😘in and out calls - 26
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, South mikwaukee /Kenosha Racine)
Thu 02 Jan
♥♛☏💋 LeaViNG SooN!! HiGHLY REViEWED Sexy Busty Babe With Legs For Days!! 💋☏♛♥ - 28
(Milwaukee, Brookfield In/ Metro Area Out)
come show me the town new sexy bombshell blonde Barbie - 19
(Milwaukee, milwaukee &a; surrounding areas)
W@iting On Your C@ll ...SpEcI@Ls @V@IL@BLE incall and outcall available - 25
(Milwaukee, south Milwaukee/airport area/in and out)
ToP NoTcH PlAyMaTe 5***** StAr TrEaTmEnt HoTT & ReAdY CaLl NoW - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee. area in/out calls)
Trinty K ♥S e x y ♥Sk i l l e d Body to BodyRub @414-349-8847 - 21
(Milwaukee, milwaukee and surrounding area)
S_M_O_K_I_N _ !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( OnE __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! THE SEXiEST ALiVE - 20
★ == ►[ Satisfying Experience] ◄ == ★ °♥* UpSCALE SERViCE ° - 22
(milwaukee area/ in and out calls)
👑👑 LaST DaY!!! Reviewed Busty Blonde Babe!! Sexy & Classy! 👑👑 - 28
(Brookfield Area In/ Metro Area Out, Milwaukee)
Black Heels√ Black Panties√ Xrated √ Exotic √ - 23
(Milwaukee, Waukesha/Glendale/south Mil/ Downtown)
TRNITY "Se x y ♥Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥A d d i c t i ve "@414-349-8847 - 21
(Milwaukee, milwaukee and surrounding area)
.*¨¨*.*** KeNDrAs BAcK .*¨¨*1 wknd only ***In and OuTCaLLs OnLY***.*¨¨* - 26
(oak creek IN Outcalls)