Thu 02 Jan
T :: H:: I :: C :: K : ___ :: (xoxo) :: __ : C_U_R_V Y __ :: (xoxo) :: __ B :: U :: S :: T :: Y - - 25
~~Brave Seeker ~~ King Of All Kings, Come Enter" Michelle's Golden" Treasures~~
(~~West Milwaukee~~ Near Miller Park Area)
※ BrEatH TaKiNG BoDy ※ OnE Of A KiNd Sexy HotTiE! ※ in THE NUDE - 25
Blonde HoTTie is ReaDy for YOu New PiCS♡♥♡Its my last month here moving out of state in 2 weeks - 28
(Milwaukee, hwy 100 PRIVATE INCALL)
BeLiZiAn bEaUtY HaLeY HoTtNeSs iS BaCk HoTtEr tHaN FiRe wE R, Mz.LadY aVail NoW - 23
(, racine, kenosha & surr outcalls now)
*** big booty blonde *** 70 specials *** 40DDs to Please*** - 24
(Milwaukee, north milwaukee incalls/ outcalls)
💎🔥🍒Always AVAILABLE, Outcalls CALL me now NEW #🍒🔥💎 - 24
(Milwaukee, Waukesha downtown airport lake geneva)