You will thank me after reading this! - 99

Posted : Friday, January 10, 2025 02:21 PM | 14 views

Gentlemen there are guidelines when contacting any provider or companion, and are in place to keep both parties safe & free from B.S. 1) Never text! It leaves a permanent trail! If something bad happens.... the cops no longer require your permission to see what is on your phone! It is verifiable proof of what you have talked about and can be used against you. Even those so-called throw away phone providers keep transcripts of all text messages. 2) Keep the conversation respectful & to a minimum. The woman you are contacting already knows why you are calling. Save the dirty talk for the bedroom.... LOL 3) Remember the woman you are calling is STILL a lady. She is someone's sister, daughter, mother or aunte. You wouldn't want a female member of your family being disrespected, would you? Probably not! So just don't do it! 4) If you like the woman you visit, keep seeing her! She already knows your likes and dislikes & there are no guessing games. 5) The companion you see.... takes time out of her day... to spend it with you. She has the right whether or not to see you! IF she says yes, you are one lucky guy! 6) Verify yourself! You, yourself verifies the validity of who you are going to visit! The companion ALSO needs to know who is coming to the door. We don't like unexpected surprises! AND.... have just as much too loose as you do! 7) Don't ask for additional pics..... It makes you seem creepy! 8) Save the cologne for your particular other half Sorry guys, but too much cologne is a bad thing and makes providers think you are hiding bad hygiene. 9) Arrive on time It shows class & respect! You wouldn't accept late employees or business associates & I am sure you do not like to hear excuses. 10) Don't make an appointment if you have no plans of showing up Guys..... this one is a no brainer! That girl you called... went out of her way to get ready for your visit. She took time... out of her day... just to see you! The least you can do is show up! If you don't intend on visiting.... don't call, plain & simple. 11) Don't be cheap Guys.... You complain, you can't find a nice companion that will treat you very well. Then when you find one, you haggle about the price! Did it ever occur to you is costs money to advertise, run the electricity and the AC, not to mention all the supplies associated with the biz IE condoms, lotions & toys. Additionally, it costs money.... to do laundry, buy nice furniture, buy nice clothing, hair, nails, & bedding! ALL... in the name of entertaining you. Like you... the upscale companions have bills and house payments to make. Some of us actually have normal lives and work real jobs. This is a side line thing, nothing more! The upscale ladies are NOT dependent on this lifestyle, but rather do this as mere entertainment.... rofl 12) Shower before visiting Guys.... there is nothing more disgusting that visiting a companion while you are smelling of body funk! You sweat all day long. B.O. is not attractive and is a HUGE turn off! Same goes for arriving in dirty clothes or looking like something the cat dragged in. Remember, if you want clean, good smelling and dressed nice.... we expect the same thing in return. 13) If you are unsure or feel uncomfortable with an arrangement, just don't do it! Most companions have a history on the internet. It is rather easy to check out a companion these days. If you don't find anything locally, do your homework & check her nation wide. If she is reputable, she will have reviews & a website. 14) Don't believe everything you read There are tons of BS websites that would have you believing a reputable companion is something other than the real mccoy. Do research for yourself, just don't assume anything. 15) If you thoroughly enjoyed your time with the companion, post a great review! Gentlemen, many of you think if you post reviews, someone will find out. All reviews are done under a handle, an assumed user name. Reviews are meant to help other hobbyist pick a companion & you as well. Additionally, by writing your own reviews, companions will know you are legitimate, and are NOT trying to set her up. 16) Local girls are there for you time & time again... I understand too well about the male libido. It has a mind of its own....rofl BUT have you ever considered thinking about this. The local ladies stay. They entertain you time & time again. Don't you think you owe it to the ones who keep you entertained to keep seeing them. LOL.... we are not wanting to be your wives or gf's, but with that said, if you thoroughly enjoyed the service we provide, then why not keep coming back? The newbies in town will not stick around, and you just never know who that new girl might be working with/for or what type of disease she may be carrying. At least the locals girls already know you & you know them. There are no guessing games & at the end of the day, you can go home with a smile on your face & know your secret is safe! 17) This one is for the very mature gentlemen Guys, as much as we love entertaining the older gents, please keep in mind, we are good, but not even great companions can revive the dead, if you know what I mean. Sorry we can't work miracles. Lastly..... Use protection! Gentlemen.... there are too many unknown variables when it comes to s-e-x! You don't know who that provide has seen previously, nor does the provider know who you have been with. Most guys complain they don't like the feel of condoms. My question to you.... what is better.... giving yourself & your significant other an STD because you don't like condoms, possibly one that could kill you or... playing it safe, wearing one, protecting yourself & your significant other. By the by, you CAN catch an STD from oral pleasures. The mouth is not immune & neither are your family gems. These guidelines will help both yourself & the provider make informed decisions and keep both parties safe & secure. escorts eros,wi ts escorts,escorts jackson ms.,escost milwaukee,putas de milwaukee,trans escorts nj,franklin escorts,female escorts south bend,wiescorts,sd trans escorts
  • Post ID : 3138557
  • Poster's age : 28
  • City : Milwaukee
  • Address : Milwaukee