Thu 09 Jan
One In A Million.... .Passionate §ensational excitement - 21
(Milwaukee, Down town, Southside, Airport, Oak creek)
Incalls💕Sexy 👌💕💋PURE pleasure👌💕👅Lunch specials dnt miss out fellas 👍📱💰 - 23
(In calls Downtown 🌹, Milwaukee)
✨Exotic 5 Star Bombshell✨ Unrushed 💎 Real Pics 💎 Upscale 🍒 - Late Night/Early Morning Specials - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding. outcall/incal)
Wed 08 Jan
《★》NeW! BaD A$* BITCH ~ FiRE A$* MOuTHPieCe!;) intrested call 414/499/8649 - 20
(Green Bay, greenbay area)
✿✿New Arrived ✿✿ Asian Sexy Girl ✅✅🔴🔴414-269-4796🔴🔴⬛⬛✅✅ 🔴🔴⬛⬛ ▊Come To My Place ▊ ✅✅🔴🔴 ⬛⬛✅✅ - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Airport Hotel)
~ WELCOME tO My SuPeR SeXy WeTT PaRaDiSe... SaTiSFaCtIoN ALWAYS GuArAnTeEd!!! ~ - 19
💕VISITING❤️Sl!De "N" My sWeeT Sp0T❤️🍫🍬 Waterfall💦 Goddess💋 TiGht GRip💦🍒►🚨CALL NOW🚨 - 22
(Airport, Milwaukee, Milwaukee)
💸💎🍒💋💎💸 UPSCALE playmate. AvAiLabLe 24/7 INCALLs n outcalls💸💎🍒💋 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, outcall/incall lake geneva)
^*^* VivAciOuS ^*^* EnerGetiC ^*^* Latina Cutie-Pie!!!! Real & InDePeNdent - 21
(soUTh iN/ 414-687-3574)
OUTCALLS ~ALL REAL PICTURES~ Come let me please you 100% pleasure▪☆▪ - 22
(Incalls airport area/ Southside, Milwaukee)
❤ ❤ ❤ ★ ★ ★ Petite ★ southern ★ Brunette ★ ★ ★ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 25
(Milwaukee, OUTCALLS ONLY Milwaukee & surrounding)
[[★]] ☆ NDLSS PÕSS¡B¡L¡T¡S W!TH N!NA (* 262 * 327 *0788 *) ☆ [[★]] - 21
(Milwaukee, 100 $ specials INcaLL / OuT)
Do you crave the MATURE. touch of a Lovely Older WHITE Woman, Fetishes, Toys, Visiting - 48
(Downtown Milwaukee Location, Milwaukee)
Freaky Late Night Action..I'm Up When She Sleep..HH Specials.. INCALLS ONLY(414)435-4434 - 25
(Milwaukee, INCALLS ONLY) decrete location)
♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢Diamond Escorts, LLC (ESTABLISHED SERVICE!)♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ - 28
(Janesville, Janesville, Madison, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee)
🍭🍬Come Treat yourself, Kinky 🍰 Young ,Sexy,And mouth Watering🍭🍬 In calls and Out calls🍰 - 22
(Milwaukee, North west Milwaukee)
Late🌃Night Creep With A Super Freak😎🌃😎🌃😎🌃2626132037 😎🌃😎🌃😎🌃 😎🌃SWEET PETITE🌃😎🌃😎🌃😎 - 25
💕🎀 Super Sexy Fun ♥HaleyHotness♥ ☆♥ PRETTY FACE SMALL WASTE need I Say More Outstandingly Reviewed - 24
(EastSide i43, Milwaukee)
இڿڰۣ!!!!!!special 225 today only !!!!!Tired of fake pics?? Milwaukee's most reviewed ~SUMMER K - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
💸💎🍒💋💎💸NEW to your city!!! UPSCALE playmate 💸💎🍒💋 - 24
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Milwaukee, appleton)
Ms Yummy Explosion Come Play Satisfaction Guaranteed No Rush Kiss Me I Like It - 22
(Milwaukee, MKE Airport Area)
Leaving today! ! ! 💋 New pics, if its not me its free! 🍭 Specials all day 🍭💋512-590-2289 - 19
(Milwaukee, Incall/ out. Airport area)
LATiNA w/a CoKe BoTTLe SHAPe ➜ ★SuPeR EaRlY SPcLs ★ ೋ EXoTiC iNCaLL - 20
(Milwaukee, soUTh InCaLL {{{ {$100 }}} TiLL 3PM)
*!-Drown yourself with deepness. . Juicy..Blue Eyed Itailian freak Super Specials - 22
(Milwaukee, milwaukee south side)
UNFORGETTABLE experience 🍫🍫😋 Caution Very ADDICTIVE 😄🍫🍫 Ebony Goddess 💋💋#1🌟 Dani 🌟 - 21
(Madison, Madison (in))
😘SEXY LOLA😚 Tall sexy Lola in your area for a short time. Don't miss me!!!! - 25
(Green Bay, Greenbay and surrounding areas)
🎀❣Immediate answer, Never rushed! 100% Real Pics! Available now!!! 🎀❣ - - 22
(.Area Wauwatosa ...108 th Next to Mall, Milwaukee)
Tue 07 Jan
★MEET & GREET w/ CARAMEL Treat $PECIAL$★ NeW ★★ F.U.N ♥ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ★ Come & Play with ME NoW★ - - 23
***Who's Ready for something tasty,sweet and enjoyable*** I'm back CHOCOLATE DIP:) :) :) - 25
(Milwaukee, North Side of Milwaukee)