Sat 11 Jan
😛 Killer Curves,😊Nice Booty,😋 Cute Face..👌Come On & Lets Play👍 - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee (Incalls))
***** WhenEvEr YouR ReadY ***** 80/InCalL SpeCiaL LiMiTeD TiME***** - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee northside)
OUTCALLS ONLY 🍀 Have a Good Time 🍀 I'm available💄Are you??💋On call 24/7💋💄Ms.Rachel. 832-414-3849 - 27
(Milwaukee, milwaukee,Oconomowoc,peewaukee, outcalls)
°o♥ ♥ SpeCiALs! [[ LaSt NiTe ]] & [[ ErOtiC BLoNde!! ]]♥ DoN'T MiSS! o♥o° - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Last Nite for Huge Specials!)
NEW▉◆Chinese & Japanese Girls JUST ARRIVJUST ARRIVD SO HOT *★*From L,A @— *★*—SO SEXY-312-316-0606 - 21
(Milwaukee, N Prospect Ave & E Ivanhoe Pl)
OXOX* EbonY * PetitE * SupeR Fre@K ***NO- RUSH *** $50 SPECIAL incalls * 262 391 9978 * OXOX - 20
(Milwaukee, milwaukee motel $50)
💋💎😘❤️Outcalls1000% real back in town ❤️💋💎4one4 499one6one6 - 24
(Milwaukee, outcalls Milwaukee lake Geneva all over)
NEW pics. LAST CALL SALE! curiois about CHOCOLATE? let me b your 1st. reviewed& safe. - 27
(Milwaukee, W MILWAUKEE TILL 1)
NEW IN TOWN:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: - - 19
(West Milwaukee Incalls)
NEW) ((PRETTY FaCe))((SEXY CuRvES))((BooTy LooK*))( MiXXeD)) CuTiE ( *ZiNa*)) (*SuPeR SeXXy*) - 22
(Milwaukee, New Berlin, Waukesha, WestAllis)
°o° [[ D R i P P i N G ]°o° W T °o°[ S d U C T i V ]] °o° ! SxY C a L i f o R N i A bLoND.. - 24
(Discrete Airport Incall)
Incall Specials ‼️‼️ Limited time only ‼️‼️ 🚨🚨 HONEY🚨🚨 Best in town - 23
(Milwaukee, milwaukee area north/west Appleton Ave)
Friday grand slam role specials}}°° ready to explore specials° - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee surrounding area)
★ eXpEcT tHe bEsT ★ Im EVERY MAN'S DREAM HoT bLoNdE 0n CaLL!! - 24
(Milwaukee, ★ South milw ★ early spcls)
★E V E R Y T H I N G G 0 E S ★ ___ With"Me!! Yeseverything - 22
Tired Of Da Rest Come 👀 Da Best🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎Ring My Bell🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 2623858313 🛎Exquist - 25
(Come Here🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎, Milwaukee)
You ever had a P***so good 🤤& clean 💦& tight👅 Younger the better 🤤💦come FIND OUT 😜 - 20
(Milwaukee, Wet tight with no smell 💦😘 clean place)
Ladies Make $4-$6k per week in the Adult industry With Legitimate company! - 33
(Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, USA)
♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Pinkys Freaky ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Sunday Freak Nic ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Come Kick It Wit A Real Freak ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋ - 25
(Milwaukee, ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕OUTS♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕)
💋💋💋 Hot & Sweet Asian▬▬▬ 💋💋💋NEW IN TOWN🔸💚Enjoy your time💚100% real Call me 414-600-3314💋💋💋 - 25
Incall ✦The☆Perfect ☆Treat♥~★~♥ ♡ —♥_ Enjoy Me★✦!!! ♥ …..♥……………♥ …♥………………..♥ ..♥………………….♥ .♥…………………… - 22
(Lovers Lane & Sliver Spring, HWY 100, Milwaukee)
✅✅🔵🔵✅✅🔵🔵[—NEW IN TOWN— ] ★——Sweet Asian ★ [———Enjoy your time——— ] ♥ [—AVAIL Now💋 ] ♥ - 30
Young&petite;🍭 cute & sexy 😘👅💦 Italian princess💎 Incall available NOW! Ready for fun 💖☀🌙 - 19
(Mayfair mall/ Wauwatosa incall, Milwaukee)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *BuStY :*: NeW In ToWn :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS $100 specials - 23
(Milwaukee, 4147952391 INCALL OR OUTCALL)
[×°★°× SuPeR BAD ×°★°×] ___ {{B.L.O.N.D.E}} ___ [×°★°× ALL MORNING! ×° ★°×] - 20
(Milwaukee, North Side of Milwaukee)
(( STOP)) TAKE A PEEK! 👉 👉 THE BEST °•★•° BEAUTIFUL °•★•° °•★•° ▃▃▃▐▐ BRUNETTE▐ ▃▃▃DREAM GIRL - - 30
(Milwaukee, Southside Safe Location)
{•~*~•} SWEET & SEXY :):):)*** :):):) I LOVE K. I. S. S. I. N. G {•~*~•} - 20
(Milwaukee, Downtown Milwaukee)
Starring Carmen! 70hh 125hr No texts Call for Serious inquiries! - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, surrounding Suburbs)
No Rushing!!!! 100% Real Pics Hair is Now Blonde - 24
(Milwaukee, Brown deer,Menomonee falls,Mequon,German)
Natalee - •☆Tasty TreAt ! Satisfy Your SweetTooth!!!☆• - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & Surrounding Areas)
:•: ★NOBODY DO€S iT LiK€ M€ (( *PERFECT DREAM ➓* )) HoT aS cÄn Bę 414-292-5630 - 23
(All over you, Milwaukee)
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {#1 sPeCiALs} =W_H_A_T= {5☆ SeRViCe} =U= N_E_E_D= *☆* - 25
Jamie Specials $80 In Out Calls Real Pics414-488-5998 - 24
(Milwaukee, Sheboygan, South side Milwaukee)
👅👅🌊💦💦Ready to fulfill your fantasies 😍😘💦Let's play! 💋💋OutCALLS available! - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding cities)
*****Sexy and Hot ****** (((( Fresh Face )))) ....Real Pics...... INCALL SPECIALS - 23
(South Milwaukee)
@@@@ Russian BEAUTY @@@ QUALITY PROVIDER @@@ very limited time @@@ well reviewed @@@@ - 21
(My place or Yours)
💋Outcalls/incalls💋🍒The Gentlemens choice! 💎AVAILABLe NOW 4143503571💋🍒 - 24
(Brookfield, waukesha,downtown, oak creek, Milwaukee)
QUICK VISIT sp3cial-50.on the way home from work?????... call me. I am reasonable - 27
(Milwaukee, by downtown)