Mon 27 Jan
&&&&& I WILL DO WHAT SHE WON'T &&&&& brand new n lots of fun &&&& very LIMITED TIME &&&& Russian && - 21
(My place orYours)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
S.M.∅.K.i.N.G. H∅† High SkiLLED 🅰vαiℓabℓε💕Good girl with a Bad 🇲💋🇺🇹🇭 💕 🍒 🍒 C L I C K 🌟 M E 🍒😗 - 20
• °oo°•Seductive EBONY Goddess• °oo°•Pure Petite Pleasure 100% REAL $100 SPECIALS!! - 24
(Milwaukee, I94 & Ryan Rd or 60th Lisbon, Milwaukee)
Fri 10 Jan
-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLeASUREღ THE ReAL DeAL ღ ——▓ ► } LaTINa ღ - 21
(Milwaukee, :¦:-INCALL Outcall:¦:-)
_______* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ __*QUALiTY PROViDER* ____ - 24
(upsale incall available)
Sunshine on a cloudy day!!! BLIZZARD SPECIALS!!!!!! Native American/Italian beauty!! AIRPORT in/out - 18
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee airport incall/outcall)
MZ.DESIRABLE CHARMING SEDUCTION ($75 incall specials ) 24HR service - 21
(Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE (Near Downtown))
*¨¨*:Back In Town 1 wk ONLY***MISS KENDRA***All Independent All Real All 4 U.*¨¨* - 25
(Milwaukee Airport Area)
Pretty Girl I just wanna Play Awesome Specials 414-739-4892 414-218-3398 - 23
(Milwaukee, Northwest Milwaukee)
*~* Its Raining Out And im looking To Cater *~* - 19
(Milwaukee, Southside MilwaukeeAirportIncall Only)
Thu 09 Jan
OUTCALLS/ & INCALLSwhite sexy blond .. incall special ONLY.. 100 /hr! - 27
(by downtown/ 27th and national, Milwaukee)
°o☆°o ( C E R T I F I E D * 2 * S A T I S F Y * E V E R Y * D E S I R E ) °o☆°o - 20
(Very Open-Minded & Fetish FRIENDLY!)
...SPECIAL(:V) INCALL ONLY414-241-9567 : I am very reasonable - 27
(Milwaukee, by downtown. 27th& national)
Outcalls/incalls💋🍒The Gentlemens choice! 💎AVAILABLe NOW 4142045856 💋🍒 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee waukesha brookfield lakegeneva)
Wed 08 Jan
_____{ Last Chance! }____♥ ♥ Your BLUE-EYED BLoNDe Fantasy Girl ♥ ♥_____ - 21
(oak creek southside airport area incalls)
__ ________ _______ _________ ________ ______EBONY CENTERFOLD___ __________ ________REAL PICS - 21
Tue 07 Jan
Nunu Gotti Breezing Through Come See Me Something Different I Bet Iam Better I Got Skills - 22
(Milwaukee, National Greenfield Lapham Lincoln)
~~~ 🔴🔴🔴🔴🌟🌟 NEW NEW NEW in the town 🍒🍒🍒🍒 special ASIAN TREAT 🔴🔴🔴🔴🌟🌟 gorgeous and busty Asian hotties for YOU - 23
இڿڰۣ special 250 Tired of lifeless women?? Milwaukee's most reviewed ~SUMMER K - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Happy New Years 2014!!: ☆ :-•*¨¨*( 1 NIGHT LEFT! )☆ ╱╲┉┉(HOT) ┉CARMEL MOCHA☆ ┉COME INSIDE!╱┋┋╲ - 26
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee★XRATED Incall★Airport★South★)
"60" special "INcall & " OUTCALL" come and have fun / opened minded! (608)351-9384 - 22
(Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE surr areas"outcall")
இڿڰ tired of scams? Highest reviewed in Milw area-TODAY & this week_Summer Knite - ڰۣஇ - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
💎 Classy slim thick white female💎 Young & fun 👅💦 very beautiful spontaneous playmate 💋😻 - 19
❤HoT, SeXy BlonDe❤FiReWoRkS WiLL Go OFF. 100%SaTiSfAcTioN GuaRanTeeD. - 26
(Milwaukee, Wauwatosa incall or come to you)
Sat 04 Jan
Avaliable Now~ 100~ Hot & Sexy Super Thick Playmate Spreading Like Butter! - 35
(I-45 SilverSpring &Airport;)
💎🔥🍒AlwayS Available OUTcallsUPSCALE playmate NEW #4142045856🍒🔥💎 - 24
(Milwaukee, Waukesha downtown airport lake geneva)
_________ _________ _________ ___________ *!* sOO! *SEXy! * babe *!* ___________ ___________ _______ - 19
Fri 03 Jan
☆★——(( * BacK In TowN * )) —-* CReAMy & DELiCiOuS ;) * —(( * 608-217-5761 * )) ———★☆ - 19
(Madison, East Madison / In & Out)
**Santa's Sexy helper**Make your xmas wishes come true!!*** incall only - 23
(Milwaukee, south milwaukee)
$100 SPECIALS // Gorgeous // Exotic // Luscious 💋 Pure Beauty & Upscale Entertainment 💋 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Airport, Brookfield, Downtown)
Cubana Barbie *incall*incall * Southside MKE West Allis414 7l9 7six7four - 23
(Milwaukee, West Allis mke Southside)
!!C U M 4 F U N!! : : SxX.xY SwEEt Xx.XPeRieNCe : : 100% ASIAN~100% SaTiSFYiNG : : !!120$peciaL$ !! - 25
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, INCALL ONLY MILWAUKEE millerpark area, Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan)
Available all Day and late tonight for your pleasure. In call, Outcall Specials=125 - 22
HOT New SeXY Playmate☆ so BEAUTIFUL so FINE see for YOURSELF - 24
(Milwaukee, milwaukee everywhere in/out call)
newNEWnew PICS!!! ♡ ♥ ◆ ◇ ¤ TaKe a Trip to an ExX.xOtiC Land of PURE ExX.xTaCy ¤ ◆ ◇ ♡ ♥ . - 25
(INCALL Miller park AREA, Milwaukee)
Thu 02 Jan
Pεtitε and Swεεt♥Sexy Southern♥Slim ßεautifuℓ♥Sapphire♥ßußßly ßrunεttε Avaiℓaßℓε NOW - 414-368-7745 - 31
(Milwaukee, North Side- Milwaukee)