Mon 27 Jan
YES I'm still UP...Come see me Now!..I got you..Jazz is back - 20
(Milwaukee, southside incall..outcall all over)
"Amazing Top DR. At Your Service" Lunch Specials U can't Refuse!! "incalls only" (414)435-4434 - 26
(Milwaukee, west side Milwaukee)
🍒$75 Outcall/ incall Specials 💋💓Sweet Petite That You Wanna Meet😘 Laya 😍🍓 - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Area)
Sun 12 Jan
☎️IncallOnLY📲〽️idWest's Se❌iest🌹🌹🌹🔮Island Girl🌺🌴🏝TIGHt💦Safe⛑CLEAN 🍉🍓🍋 - 24
(Milwaukee, milwaukee - All surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
. . : ⭐Sweet Honey && Hershey ✨ Kinky Exotic Party⭐ : . . (608)658-9516 - 20
(Madison, West Madison / In & Out / 2 Girls Avail.)
⎷ »-(¯`v´¯)-» ★ SeXy bLoNde »-(¯`v´¯)-» ReaL PiCS »-(¯`v´¯)-» wEEkEnD sPeCiALs - 21
(Milwaukee Airport Area)
*Enjoy some chocolate * $75Weekend outcall special $50-$80 Incall Special*100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near airport/ surrounding areas)
Start Your Week W/ A Freak!! Lowest Offers Intown "In/Outcalls" Call now (4144354434 - 25
(Milwaukee, Southside/Oak Creek/Downtown)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥·. ((*blOnDe!)) .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* - 21
(Milwaukee Near 13th & College)
"Im Up" I'll Be Your Little Secret!! Specials U can't Refuse!! Incalls Outcalls(414)435-4434 - 25
(Milwaukee, incalls only)
(Incalls Waukesha) 👠💄1& 2 Girl Specials👭4145010797😍Girls with good quality❤ - 22
(Milwaukee, Waukesha, Peawaukee, Area (Hotel))
Fri 10 Jan
Very Freaky * Incalls * $100$ Specials Here (414)419-0823 - 20
(Milwaukee, - 100$ Specials / Incalls)
sweet chocolate touch.... sweet on the outside but worm inside - 18
(Milwaukee, milwaukee, waukesha)
Thu 09 Jan
*:. ★* E X T R E M E L Y S K I L L E D *:. ★* *:. ★* $75 SPECIAL - 21
(Milwaukee Near 13th & College)
Wed 08 Jan
Ur sexy lil Secret, *petite playmate* special 70$ in - 19
(Milwaukee, Milw incalls&outcalls; $75-$100 specials)
Tue 07 Jan
°o ♥ o ((( ✰ VaLenTiNes SpEciALs ✰))) o ♥ o° - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
$ne@k @w@y @nd Pl@y..$peci@l$ @ll D@y.. Inc@ll @nd Outc@ll - 25
(Milwaukee, where u want me milwaukee/nrth)
*-:¦:- ExOtiC BeAutY *-:¦:-* VaLenTiNes SpeCiALs *¨¨*-:¦: * - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
*Enjoy some chocolate * $50-$80 Incall Special*100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near airport/ surrounding areas)
Mon 06 Jan
Hi Gentleman I'm YUMMY😜😍😜 Better then her👆N Her👇💦💦👅👌 414/386/3305 Incalls/Outcalls🚗😘 - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Surrounding & Travel)
Sun 05 Jan
Very Freaky * Incalls * $100$ Specials Here (414)779*9498 - 20
(Milwaukee, - 100$ Specials / Incalls)
♥S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ - 23
(Private Home Incall & Outcalls)
Sexy white blonde waiting for you..SPECIALS ALL NIGHT...So come and try me out!!!!!! - 28
(Milwaukee, by marquette university)
Spankable BooTy SUBMISSIVE Unbelievable Skillz!! 100% me 262-672-3978 incalls only - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee,)
Sat 04 Jan
*-:¦:-* §w A§ HAvn * ★ * Bu NaUgHY A§ HLL *-:¦:- SPECIALS! SpEcIaLs! SPECIALS!! - 21
(Milwaukee Airport)
*¨¨*-:¦:- S P E C I A L *¨¨*-:¦:-*S P E C I A L *¨¨*-:¦:-*S P E C I A L*¨¨*-:¦:- - 21
(13th & College)
💋"BEST IS BACK PeTiTE 💕HOt YoUnG WilD Lil College 💦💋FrEAK BeSt KEpt Secret DNT B Fooled By FAKES‼️ - 19
(Airport InCall Howell 💕Ave/Your Place, Milwaukee)
Fri 03 Jan
•°•*Alway's & Ready 2°Play * •• 50~80Hh •• *Incall Special* «•°•100%Real•°•» - 22
(Milwaukee, Surrounding areas)
* HOT*| ;| *__*; * PETITE * ; *__*; * KNOCK-OUT * ;* /reviewed as milwaukees best - 19
(milwaukee&surromding; areas)
Thu 02 Jan
W@iting On Your C@ll ...SpEcI@Ls @V@IL@BLE incall and outcall available - 25
(Milwaukee, south Milwaukee/airport area/in and out)
** Petite * Treat * KinKY Freak Special * (5"0 - 125 Pnds of Fun) * incalls 75$ Out-Call 100$** - 20
(Milwaukee, milw , $75 incall - outcall)
♡♡ ~ Becca here 2 please u~ Unlimited 30 min 4 only $60!💋❤️ - 25