Mon 27 Jan
☆ :🌟* 🌠¨ AMAZING¨ *•-:🌟☆Skïlléd :-•* ¨¨*•★🌠 GoRgEoUS :-•* ¨🌟*•★ TaNia-•* 🌟•★🌠 - 22
(Milwaukee, OuTCaLlS♥♡♥♡♥♥♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡)
100% Real Beauty & real pix,Juice boxWednesday , Can you make me Come? if you can make me $quirt!! - 23
Sun 12 Jan
(( VISITING )) *~* Puerto Rican *^* Delight ~*~ (( Let Me FulFill ALL Of Your Desire's ) - 20 - 20
(Eau Claire, inn)
Sat 11 Jan
❤❤SOOooooo¤¤¤¤¤¤○○○○ ❤❤❤❤❤ TeMpTiiNG.. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ IsN`T❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ It ??❤❤❤❤❤❤❤100❤❤❤❤❤❤❤% real PICS❤❤ ❤❤❤❤ - 22
(Milwaukee, ♥♥oakCrEeK♥♥WesTBand♥♥AiRpOrT♥♥ClosE 2♥U)
(( VISITING )) *~* Puerto Rican *^* Delight ~*~ (( Let Me FulFill ALL Of Your Desire's ) - 20 - 20
(Eau Claire, inn)
Fri 10 Jan
☆🌈 NeW 🌈 🌟🌈 🌠¨ TaStE¨ 🌟☆My 🌈🌈🌈🌈RaiiNboW -•*🌈🌈•★🌠 GoRgEoUS :-•🌈 ¨🌟🌈★StEpHaNiie 🌈★🌠 - 24
(Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee, OuTCaLlS♥♡♥♡♥♥♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡, Sheboygan)
(( VISITING )) *~* Puerto Rican *^* Delight ~*~ (( Let Me FulFill ALL Of Your Desire's ) - 20
(Eau Claire, inn)
Thu 09 Jan
(( VISITING )) *~* Puerto Rican *^* Delight ~*~ (( Let Me FulFill ALL Of Your Desire's ) - 20 - 20
(Eau Claire, inn)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
YAAS👍 👄 You Want Real, Long Legged, Beautiful, Sexy,Seductive Beauty Outstandingly Reviewed👢💄💋 - 25
(Milwaukee, Mke travel)
♥-» PERFECT ➓ »-♥-» SeXy MiXeD • ► KNOCKOUT • ►♥ ☆ ღT✪✪█▒ ╠╣OT ▒█ ♥T✪✪ ╠╣ANDLE - 28
🚗💋 EXOTIC ❤💋❤💋SEXY🚗💋❤💋 OUTCALL 🚗💋❤💋💋 ONLY💋❤💋🚗💋 HoT LaTinA BEST 🚗💋❤SERVICE! - 24
(Milwaukee, ✈All SuBuRbS 🚙Dwntwn 🌃TraVelFriendly🏡)
SoMeThiNg SeXy & FuN Petite Yet Curvy Exotic Beauty DD's New * New - 21
(Milwaukee Inaclls/Racine-Kenosha OUTcall)
Mon 06 Jan
❤❦❤ Blonde, excellent reputation, available tonight /THU/FRI! looking to meet older gentlemen ❤❦❤ - 40
(Milwaukee, private residence/suburbs of milw)
All American.. Most talented Blonde here to rock your socks off with special deals!! - 26
(Milwaukee, milwaukee and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
⃣🔲🔺👄⃣🌟🔳👄*🔺⃣🔻👅🔶🔹⃣(ωhoS UP ⃣)🔽🔺*👄⃣🌃*👄🔻🔹🔺💋 YoUR 🔺🔳💋 LaTe⬜🔺⬜NiGHt 🔴⃣⬜🔽💠TrEaT⃣ - 22
(Milwaukee, 🚦🚥🚦🚥OUTCALLS ONLY 🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥) is hiring girls and guys. real escort and modeling auditions caught on video
(Los Angeles)
Sat 04 Jan
🔴🔶🔸🔲▬▬▬▬🔴▬▬▬▬▬🔲🎏🎄📦 TiS 🔲➿➿🔴➿➿➿➿🔲 👠📦🎁 ThE SeAsOn 🎄🔴🔲 2 bE 🔲▬🍬🍬 JOLLY🍬🍬▬▬▬🔲 - 22
(Milwaukee, 🔴💋💋🔴💋 outcalls 💋💋💋🔴💋💋 ONLY 🔴)
🎲♥♥ G E T ♥⬜❤⬜⬜ LUCKY 🎰⬜⬜❤⬜ T O N I T E ♥♥👸QuEEn 👸♥♥oF ♥ YouR💋♥♥HeARt 💋♥♣♣💋OuTcALlS ♣ OnLy 💋 - 24
(Milwaukee, ✈All SuBuRbS 🚙Dwntwn 🌃TraVelFriendly🏡)
I Can Tease💣 Tame💺 and Nurse You To PurrrFection💺Yass You Want Real Outstandingly Reviewed 👄 - 25
(Milwaukee, Mke & Surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan
L¤¤k§❤ ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ G¤¤D▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ F££|§ ▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ B£tt£R▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆ - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and CLOSE)
⬜♥♥♥⬜❤⬜ ⬜ LeAh ⬜ THe ⬜❤⬜♥PlEaSer♥♥♥♥♥♥♥⬜️iS ♣◆♣♧♣♧BaCk ♣♧♣ ♧♣AnD ♧ ♣♧♣♧♣♧♣ ReadY ♣♣To☆★☆★ PlAy ←←←← - 24
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, ♥●Im BaaaaaaCk ◆♠★↭↭︴︴)
Thu 02 Jan