Mon 27 Jan
$60 early morning Specials! Over Nights appointments Available! 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 20
(Milwaukee, north west side of Milwaukee)
👑Come get tha ROYAL TREATMENT👑ItAliAn βÊĂŨŤŶ💕💦❥ 👑q - 31
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, North west side milwaukee)
Mon 13 Jan
Outcall ONLY $80 & $100 Specials! Over Nights appointments Available! 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 20
(Milwaukee, north west side of Milwaukee)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
💕White girl burnette sexy 110lbs 34b killer body 💋 New in town 💕 Sky come play with me 💕💕💕 - 19
(Milwaukee, northside or west outcalls avail...)
Thu 09 Jan
Easy Come Easy Go beauty is her name sexy chocolate drop Its 💯real me come have sum fun - 25
(Milwaukee, west allis southside airport area)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
👋HELLO GENTLEMEN👔 I'm Gizelle🌹 Do you need a bad girl? 👯Gorgous, exotic, BEAUTY, upscale? I'm the to - 25
(Milwaukee, North West Side)
Exsplore with a chocolate Barbie* $50-$80 Incall Special** 100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near north west side/surrounding areas)
50 nd 60 SPECIAL LAST morning HERE come ND enjoy A great TYME WITH KINKYREDD `~ 414-722-4139 - 24
(Milwaukee, north west side milwaukee area)
Sun 05 Jan
👑Come get tha ROYAL TREATMENT👑ItAliAn βÊĂŨŤŶ💕💦wont b back till wed❥ 👑q - 31
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, North west side milwaukee)
Happy freaky Friday!! $75 Specials! 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 20
(Milwaukee, north west side of Milwaukee)
2girl 125$ specials Party Favorz Avail 🤓😜Carrie & champagne here come see me 60$$$ 414 933-8150 - 18
(Milwaukee, North West side Miwaukee Wi lower number)
`~` LOoKn FoR fUn CaLl Me `~` ASK aBoUt My sPeCiAlS 50 nd 60 KiNkY ReDD. 414 7224139 fetish friendly - 24
(Milwaukee, north west side milwaukee area)
Happy Friday!! $60 & $80 Specials! 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 20
(Milwaukee, north west side of Milwaukee)
Sat 04 Jan
👑Come get tha ROYAL TREATMENT👑ItAliAn βeauty 🇸 🇴 🇺 🇹 🇭 🇸 🇮 🇩 🇪 💦🍒 💋 ❥ 👑 - 31
(Milwaukee, North west side milwaukee)
Ready & Willing *Weekend $50-$80 Incall Special* 100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near North west side/surrounding areas)
❤▃❀❀▃❤ SATISF@TioN ❤▃❀❀▃❤ SeXY 60$ QUICK $PCL$ ❤▃❀❀❤ BBW GoDDESS - 26
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee north west side)
Fri 03 Jan
💕White girl burnette sexy 110lbs 34b killer body 💋 New in town 💕 Sky come play with me 💕💕💕 - 19
(Milwaukee, northside or west outcalls avail...)
Thu 02 Jan